Fuck my ass my love

And suck my farts

Fuck my ass

Before some motherfucking tyrant or some paranoid

Alien Allah

Proclaiming himself the Almighty king of this crapper

Comes and blows this beautiful Arabian Dream down


Fuck my ass my little Pope

Bare baaack

And let’s have a bambi

Before I enter menopause and end up overdosed like Marilyn,

amebic dysenteric and gushy like Pete Doherty or diabetic and retarded like Pink Floyd, spare me my Lord please


Fuck my ass you son of a bitch

Don’t chicken out now

Fuck my ass

Fudge pack me

Before the cherry blossoms and vultures stop falling down in Chinatown

Before the sun commits suicide like Ian Curtis or Yukio Mishima

Before our poor Cinderella wakes up in the wrong film ( Apocalypse Now! )

Before my plumber Hercules arrives home from the pub

Before the Republicans

Before the Chinas

Before the haemorrhoids

Before the wrinkles

Before the cramps

Before the Beatles

Before the Pistols

Before Coca-Cola

Before the Gospel

Before the apocalypse

And the Final Judgment

After which we all will be shipped off to Hollywood

to reincarnate the infamous allegory of ourselves and our

supernaturally real

tragicomic shitty lives,



